How to handle your own anxiety?

The Realistic Approach
5 min readJul 28, 2021


The truth is you cannot. It is so tough when your heart is falling to your stomach and even if your life is above good standards, it seems like it’s falling apart. But, being the ideal optimist I am, looking for the thin positive line in all of the bad things, I’ll try to share my experience on how I curb the anxiety every day. Yes, it has to be done every day!

Trust me, it’s not a ‘How to’ Blog exactly. It’s something I’ve been dealing with since I was 5. And, evolved a few anxiety decreasing practices, precisely over 25 years, which have been my reliable source to deal with it on my own, without depending on my loved ones or going to them, until absolutely necessary.

Did You Know?

  • Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the world, affecting 284 million people. (Our World in Data, 2018)
  • Globally, mental illness affects more females (11.9%) than males (9.3%). (Our World in Data, 2018)


It’s not a very hidden or taboo-prone conversation. I just want to share my experiences with it, thinking it might help someone who’s not able to do anything about it or cannot talk to anyone either. Here’s what I follow generally:

Find an Open Space immediately

This always brings out the anxiety even more but calms it down in small intervals. This is not a long-term solution, just for when you get those tiny panic attacks. Open spaces, preferably one where you can see the sky and breathe, make your brain think that everything is normal and your vibrating nerves take in the peace and space. You might cry, or whatever your coping mechanism is, the way your body reacts to it. Feel free to let it out in an open space. Take someone with you if they can take this side of you.

Exercise your body and gratitude

If you cannot spend 1/24 hours of your day shaking your body physically, with dance, yoga, weights, etc., you’re not taking care of yourself. Exercising regularly releases the happy hormone — Dopamine, hence keeps you out of the bad mood rut.

Exercising gratitude is easier than lifting weights. I just need to look at everything around you and be grateful for it. Even say it out loud. I’m grateful for my family, for this car I have, for the rains, for the bed I sleep on, for the clothes I’m wearing. Anything that your eyes are seeing, you can list it in your head and just say — I am grateful for……

Meditate Regularly

I know it seems boring. Just sitting in a space empty-handed and listening to your abdomen going up and down. Why would you do something so depressing to come out of anxiety? Because it helps in the long term. And who says it has to be mundane. Here’s how I make it fun! There are three ways to go about it:

  1. Download the App and just listen to each series — 15 minutes every day
  2. Here’s a playlist I listen to after Yoga or some form of exercise that calms my nerves so that I can meditate with closed eyes and listen to this.
  3. Now, this is given by somebody special. There’s a tune called ‘Weightless by Marconi Union’. This comes into play when I’m just hyperventilating. It works instantly. Try it!

Meditation is a slow process and takes months to actually show results. You need to keep at it to feel like it’s working. Believe me, it is working. It has gotten me out of the worst times.

Ask for Help, when I am helpless

It shows on my face when I’m not okay. I’m good at hiding it until it creeps out. It’s emotion, really it is bound to come out. So, I let it. Sometimes, the only way to come out of the circle you’re stuck in is to talk about it to somebody who would understand/listen ‘without judging’. Our anxiety is not logical, just like our emotions and we might need someone to listen intently to make us feel that it is not a big deal.

I’ve never paid any doctor to talk to me yet, but I’m in support of that idea too. It’s good to talk to a professional. So, if you feel like you need it, please go for it. It might cost a lot, but it would make your time on earth better.

Update my Diet

We all think coffee gives us anxiety. But, recently I realized that coffee is something that keeps us awake and anxiety just happens soon after, because we didn’t sleep on time. This stirred up the idea of me changing a few things when I don’t feel healthy emotionally. Some of the things are:

  • Keeping away from fried food
  • Eating lots of fruits
  • Drinking lots of water (makes you pee a lot — hence releases stress)
  • Replacing coffee with green tea
  • Eating something I really like once a day in a regular amount (Ice Cream / Chocolate)

Write a Journal / Just Write Crap

I don’t keep a journal. I write in the notes section on my phone — because it’s more accessible. Keeping a dedicated notebook might help more. It is important to talk to yourself through your writing or just speaking, so your brain understands what you’re going through at a slower pace. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment, when you write a page every day.

I understand that you might be scared to take a pen and write, but what is there to be scared about? Nobody’s going to read it. Write whatever you’re thinking. Simply pen it down, so that your brain starts thinking at the pace your hand does.

Here’s where I write all my crap. Have a look!

In Conclusion

Your anxious personality is not you, and like it takes effort to grow up and become a responsible adult, it would take effort to deal with your anxiety. It is harsh to accept that it won’t go away just in a pinch. More the effort you’ll put in to bring small changes into your routine, you will learn how to curb it. Curb it to a level where you don’t feel it anymore. The calm will hit you soon after. Just remember, you are not alone in this.

Share this article with anyone you know who’s struggling with their mental health. Thank you for reading!

